Who Am I?
Who Am I?
If you remember, when you were born, you did not know whether these were your parents, this was your body, these were your ears, or these were your hair! So, it is clear that I am not this body!
So, who am I? The answer everyone gives when asked this question is, "I am a soul!" This is entirely accurate!
But the question is, are we truly applying this understanding to ourselves? In today's age, everyone considers themselves intelligent and imparts knowledge to others but seldom applies it to themselves. Such a person remains disturbed and indecisive. What's the use of such knowledge?
Let's understand this more carefully!
We have five senses - eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.
Imagine if you didn't have eyes, like those helpless individuals born without them. I believe that without eyes, you wouldn't be able to see this beautiful world, you would still face some challenges but you will still survive without eyes, right? When something gets into your eyes, what do you say?
Like a common person, you would say, "Something got into my eye." This statement completely tells us that our eyes are different from ours and it is a part of our body, not our part!
So, it's clear that eyes are not as vital as we perceive them to be. Some may disagree, but it's true that even without eyes, you would still survive.
Now, let's move on to our ears, which help us hear. Imagine if your ears were blocked when you had a cold. You can't hear, and there's pain in your ears. Are you still alive? Yes! Even if our ears stay blocked for several days, we adapt, and it becomes a part of our experience.
Think about a stuffy nose during a cold. Your nose is blocked, and you can't smell, yet you continue to live. You get used to the experience. This means that if we don't smell anything for a while, we still live. It means we do exist without our noses, isn't it? It simply tells us that it is a part of our body, not our part!
Consider a scenario where you eagerly eat hot, delicious food, and you burn your tongue. After that, everything you eat loses its taste. But after a few days, you get used to it, and you become busy with your work. Does that mean our tongue is not essential? Our tongue is essential for us. But the thing is that it is a part of our body, not our part! Our tongue got burned, NOT US!
Skin reacts when someone touches us. But if you immerse a part of your hand in cold water for a long time, it becomes numb. When you take it out, and if you touch it, you won't feel anything. Yet, you are alive.
I hope by now, you've understood that "I am not this body!"
Who Am I ?
So, who am I? Let's go beyond these senses and explore our thoughts. Even as you read this article, you are having thoughts. In situations where your mind is disturbed, and you can't figure out what's right or wrong, your thoughts try to dominate. During meditation, our thoughts dominate us, it is because we are not stable! We allow our senses to control us, isn't it? But if you try to focus, you'll experience a moment when thoughts subside, and you feel immense joy.
So, by keeping these thoughts aside and understanding ourselves, we can discover that Bhagavad energy ( power of god ) is within us. As soon as you do that, you will experience what is called a "thoughtless state," meaning there are no thoughts in your mind.
If you are experiencing this, congratulations! Because in our scriptures, this is referred to as "spontaneous meditation ( sehej samadhi )." Here, we feel the energy that is the essence of God, what we call the soul!
We have the power within us to achieve anything in this world because it is the divine power, the power of the soul. Some people misuse this power, while others use it positively. I hope you will use this power positively and discover GOD within you!
Radhe Radhe!
We hope this article helped you to discover '' Who Am I ? ''
Also read our article on meditation .
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