Tulsi Mala / Kanthi Mala - Benifits, Rules, Guidelines

In the vibrant tapestry of Hindu spirituality, Tulsi Mala stands out as a sacred thread that weaves through the hearts of believers. This simple string of Tulsi beads holds profound significance, offering not just a connection to the divine but also a host of health benefits. Let's unravel the mysteries of Tulsi Mala, exploring its benefits and the rules that govern its usage.

Connection of Lord Krishna and Tulsi :

Tulsi mala holds a special significance in Hinduism, particularly in its association with Lord Krishna. The tulsi plant, also known as holy basil, is considered sacred in Hindu tradition and is believed to be an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu. The tulsi mala, a rosary made from the beads of the tulsi plant, is revered for its spiritual and medicinal properties.

In the context of Lord Krishna, the connection with Tulsi Mala is deeply rooted in the cultural and religious traditions of Hinduism. According to mythology, it is said that Tulsi (or Vrinda), a devoted and pious devotee of Lord Vishnu, was cursed by Lord Krishna to become a plant. In an act of compassion, Krishna granted her the boon that she would become the sacred tulsi plant, worshipped by devotees in his honor.

The tulsi mala is often used by devotees in the worship of Lord Krishna. Devotees believe that wearing a tulsi mala can bring spiritual protection, enhance devotion, and attract the blessings of Lord Krishna. The rosary is used during prayer and meditation, with each bead symbolizing a mantra or a name of the divine. Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra on a tulsi mala is considered especially auspicious, as it is believed to deepen the connection with the divine.

In various texts and scriptures, the tulsi mala is mentioned as a symbol of purity and devotion. The fragrance of the tulsi leaves is said to be pleasing to Lord Krishna, and offering tulsi leaves in worship is considered a sacred act. The tulsi mala, therefore, becomes a tangible and sacred tool for devotees to express their love and devotion to Lord Krishna.

Overall, the relationship between Tulsi Mala and Lord Krishna is a beautiful manifestation of the intertwining of mythology, tradition, and spirituality in Hindu culture. It symbolizes the profound connection between the divine and the earthly, reminding devotees of the sacredness of nature and the power of devotion in the path of spiritual awakening.

lord krishna

The Essence of Tulsi:

Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is a revered herb in Hinduism. Its botanical name, Ocimum sanctum, underscores its sacred nature. Tulsi is considered an earthly manifestation of the goddess Lakshmi, bringing prosperity and purity to the devotee's life. The fragrant leaves of Tulsi are not just aromatic but also possess medicinal properties.

Tulsi Mala: A Spiritual Rosary:

The Tulsi Mala is not just an accessory; it's a spiritual tool that aids in meditation and prayer. Comprising 108 beads, it is a symbol of the cosmic order and the individual's journey through it. Each bead represents a mantra or a prayer, providing a tactile guide for the practitioner. The 109th bead, often larger or of a different shape, symbolizes the beginning and end of the cycle, representing the transcendence of time.

Benefits of Tulsi Mala:

1. Spiritual Connection:

   Tulsi Mala is believed to enhance one's spiritual connection. Chanting mantras while counting the beads fosters focus and deepens meditation, creating a direct link with the divine.

2. Stress Relief:

   The aromatic quality of Tulsi beads, combined with the rhythmic chanting, can have a calming effect on the mind. This practice is known to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting mental well-being.

3. Purification of Mind and Body:

   Tulsi is renowned for its purifying properties. Wearing the Tulsi Mala is said to purify the mind, body, and spirit, creating a harmonious balance within the individual.

4. Health Benefits:

   The medicinal properties of Tulsi extend beyond the spiritual realm. It is known to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Wearing Tulsi beads close to the skin is believed to promote overall health.

5. Protection from Negative Energies:

   Tulsi is considered a powerful protective agent against negative energies. Wearing the Tulsi Mala is believed to create a shield around the wearer, safeguarding them from harm.

tulsi mala

Rules and Guidelines for Using Tulsi Mala:

The four regulative principles while wearing the pure tulsi mala/kanthi mala are:

-No to non veg

-No to gambling

-No to intoxication

-No to illicit sex

1. Purity Matters:

   Tulsi is considered a sacred plant, and its beads are revered. It is essential to maintain purity while using the Tulsi Mala. Avoid using it in inappropriate or impure places, such as bathrooms.

2. Initiation and Consecration:

   Before using the Tulsi Mala for the first time, it is recommended to undergo a brief initiation process. This involves dedicating the Mala to a specific deity and seeking their blessings. Some individuals also choose to consecrate the Mala by placing it in front of the deity's image.

3. Respectful Handling:

   The Tulsi Mala is not just a piece of jewelry; it is a spiritual tool. Handle it with respect and reverence. Avoid allowing others to touch it, and keep it in a clean and sacred space when not in use.

4. Regular Cleansing:

   Tulsi Mala absorbs the energy of its surroundings. Regularly cleanse it by gently wiping the beads with a soft, damp cloth. Some practitioners also expose it to sunlight to enhance its purity.

5. Mantra Chanting:

   The primary purpose of the Tulsi Mala is to aid in mantra chanting. While chanting, focus on the divine and maintain a positive and meditative state of mind. This not only enhances the spiritual experience but also amplifies the benefits.

6. Wearing on Specific Days:

   Some traditions recommend wearing the Tulsi Mala on specific days, such as Ekadashi, or during religious festivals. Observing these guidelines is believed to enhance the Mala's spiritual potency.


In conclusion, the Tulsi Mala is not just a string of beads; it is a bridge between the earthly and the divine. Wearing it with devotion and following the prescribed rules can unlock its full potential, bringing spiritual solace and physical well-being. As you thread through the beads, may you find a path of peace, prosperity, and a profound connection with the sacred essence of Tulsi.

We hope this article helped you to understand all about tulsi mala.

Also read our article on kartik maas .

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